That’s another reason this took so long to get out. For a long time, I wondered how bad the story might be, that I might have just dumped my chaotic grief onto the page. When it was done, when I finally typed ‘The End’, my grief poured out and the fog I had been caught in began to lift. Despite the brutality of that writing session, and the darkness of the story itself, it did help me in a way. People say that when times are tough, writing can be one of the most cathartic activities you can undertake. So, a few days after this sad occasion for my family, I sat down for hours one night and fought my bare-fisted, bloody way to the end of the novel. But I knew that if I did not finish Thanatos then, while I was in the flow, I never would. The event hit my family like a Dacian raiding party in the dead of night. He was alone, away from his family, on his way to work. You see, when I was about half way through writing this story, my father passed away very suddenly. This is where I get very personal with you, dear readers. However, I wasn’t ready to deal with Thanatos for some time after typing ‘The End’ on it.
I regret that I’ve left fans of this series hanging for so long since the release of Lykoi (Part II).

I have a confession to make to you… The first draft of this book was finished over two years ago. It’s the end of a journey that began as a bit of fun, but then quickly turned into something a lot more serious, gruelling, and frankly…painful. It feels rather strange to finish this trilogy. Today I’m very excited to announce that Thanatos, Part III of the Carpathian Interlude, is finally out in the world! I know this novella has been a long-time-coming, especially for those of you who have e-mailed me to say that this series is your favourite of all my books.